
Yeronga Village Pharmacy - Your Pharmacy Family, Brisbane Chemist - Yeronga Village Pharmacy is a Boutique chemist situated in the heart of Yeronga. At YVP we are interested in offering our services to you on a very personal and caring level.

Country: Oceania, AU, Australia

  • Dinara - Buy this carrier, I tried Ergo, Bjorn, Gemini, Mother's Milk and Infantino. This one is the best!Here is why, 5 positions, padded seat for a child, a baby sits on his bottom on Cybex while on other carriers he sits on his crotch. That's why I returned them and kept Cybex. The head support for facing a mother position and if you want to place a baby to face out then just fold that pad down. Easy to put the baby in. The carrier expands as the baby grows by unzipping the zipper in the middle. This Carrier is made for a baby's and a parent's comfort. The padded straps and support on the lower back and shoulders spread the weight so well you even don't feel it! Finally I can carry my son in a properly made carrier. I used others and mu child screamed in them. Then I made a research and top nine carriers included Cybex. There was Trekker in the article too, but it is shipped from Canada so I hesitated to order Trekker because of their return policy. Try Cybex carrier and you will keep it as I did.
  • DynaMo - From Completely Unpredictable to Totally Predictable in 2 Months!I've been taking FertilAid for 2 cycles since a miscarriage in March and after being on the pill for more than 7 years. My cycles, which were all over the place since going off the pill in October '06, have really "normalized" and settled into a nicely predictable 28 day pattern, which I'm sure will help when we're ready to try again.

    I didn't take FertilAid 3 times a day [I also didn't read the directions, though], I took 3 tablets in the morning, all at once, and I've only been taking them up until ovulation.
  • Rob C. - Simple to setup, then easy to forget!I've been using KIS for years after making the switch from Norton. Why'd I change? Norton seemed to be slowing my system down, and I'd read that Kaspersky was better in this regard, so I switched. That simple. Can't say anything about Norton now... haven't used it in years. But, I've been very happy with Kaspersky, and if it ain't broke...

    Every year, I follow the same routine. I purchase KIS on Amazon, UNINSTALL the previous version, INSTALL the new version, run the update (twice, to be sure), then run a full scan while I eat lunch or dinner. After that, I pretty much forget I have it on my computer unless it warns me about a malicious website or a virus in an email or on someone else USB drive.

    A REALLY nice benefit of this particular product is that I can install it on up to 3 computers. It's currently on my main laptop as well as my netbook. BTW, don't have a CD/DVD drive on one of your computers? No problem - download from Kaspersky's site and use the install key (or whatever it's called) that comes with the disc.
  • D. Fazekas - So far so good...To the point... I like this version much better the prior versions. They fixed the bug with the calendar not calculating correctly when transfer from one account to another using the bill scheduler feature. The money forecasting tool is very helpful. I've been dying for it since I switch from Microsoft Money. Overall I am happy with the tool. All my accounts download directly into the software without problems.