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  • Jane "An ardent reader" - Another Test Kitchen winner!The "America's Test Kitchen" series of cookbooks has never once disappointed me. This one is no exception. The 6-8 recipes I've made have all been terrific: extremely tasty, with none of the blandness or lack of sophistication that is too often a feature of slow cooker recipes. A wide range of cuisines is represented and - a truly nice feature - those recipes that are quickly started are marked. Highly recommended.
  • nursing student - nurses pocket guideGreat purchase, just what I wanted!
    I'm a nursing student who was after a little book that I could keep on me when I needed to look up medications for patients. Very happy purchser.
  • tronner - Gosh, what a great productI always knew that the Avery Durable View Binder was an excellent product, but please allow me to highlight some recent events which really made this binder stand out. I work in government and we recently had a member of the press, a young lady from the LiberalMediaTimes, visit us. At first, she was extremely critical of the lack of women employed in our office. I patted her on her cute little tush and explained that we had plenty of the fairer sex employed here, including Doris (cafeteria), Lupe and Esmerelda (janitorial) and Cheryl (part-time assistant to the Assistant Deputy Chief of the Gender Affairs Department). I also tried to explain that we recently lost two female members of my staff, both of whom left for higher-paying positions as Walmart greeters. When that did not persuade her, I showed her my bookcase full of carefully organized Avery Durable View Binders. These binders were full of women who I had considered for positions in my office and I had carefully documented each candidate and their (lack-of) qualifications. I could tell by the look on the young lady's face that she was shocked at how well the Avery Durable View Binders allowed me to organize the women into various categories. For instance, several binders are full of women I felt owed more of a duty to their husbands and children to be stay-at-home moms. Gosh, what a great blessing it is to assist women in their true calling. Those marked as Homely were women I just couldn't quite see as making this office a brighter place. Of course, there was a binder for the Buxomly women, but that one went missing quite quickly. We have quite a few binders just marked as "L" and for the life of me I can't remember if that meant Liberal or Lesbian or Latina or what - any way you look at it, those individuals just wouldn't have been qualified to be here, so in the binder they went. The young lady was speechless when she left and I could tell she was impressed by the efficiency of my office, no doubt in part due to the Avery Durable View binders! These Avery Durable View binders have really helped in making this patriarchal office of mine run smoothly and I highly recommend them to anyone who likes to lump people into categories.
  • Rodney J. King "RJK" - Best Smart Phone Available in the market todayI have used an Iphone since it was originally released. So for me to change was a big deal. This phone is beautiful piece of work and I had to pay for an unlocked version since I was not eligible for an Upgrade since I had just received my IPhone 5. It has been worth every penny.Blows away the IPhone 5!
  • Daniel C. Staples - Wonderful film making and a wonderful rideThis is a truly well made film. Sure, it has its over the top and crazy moments. But the good (excellent really) far outweighs any hyperbole. Don't be put off by the graphic first scene -- there is a lot more to this than just a martial arts flick. The direction and cinematography is simply outstanding -- you are viscerally engaged in every scene start to finish. There is intrigue, beauty, action, and emotion all rolled up into one really nice package. Settle in for a great ride. Let yourself be swept away. You will be glad you did.