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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 94539 Fremont, California

  • TammyC24 - You HAVE to pre-season it for it to work properlyI bought a 10" pan from WalMart. Brought it home and seasoned it EXACTLY as it stated. I did NOT pre-wash it with soap. After being a Pampered Chef Consoltant, I have realized that soap is not always the answer....especially with cast iron and PC Stones - it ruins them. After seasoning my skillet properly, I let it cool completely and quickly washed it in hot water with just a small amount of soap. I immediately rinsed it and wiped it dry. I did not let it sit in the dish water and will never put it in the dishwasher. I have a flat cook top stop so pans frequently warp. This pan has been SO fantastic. The first time I used it, I made my special omelletes. As I went to flip the egg over (being used to regular skillets) I actually flipped the mixture out of the truly is a non-stick. I was so impressed with it, I went back and got the 12" skillet. Bad thing is that neither come with a lid, so I have to use my PC lids instead. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ORGREENIC SKILLETS. Seasoning is key...NO soap prior to seasoning and don't let it sit in the dish water.
  • Joshimodo - I once thought I had livedWhat all of the other reviews say is true - This is comparable to the second AND third comings of Jesus Christ combined.

    Recently, I was diagnosed with ALL cancers. When the doctor wrote "0" as my life expectancy, I was so frightened - Only now do I realise he was simply drawing the Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable coiled up.

    I brought it to experience true definition before I died, but when it arrived (there was no delivery, or postal service - It simply appeared at my doorstep accompanied by the sound of a heavenly chorus), I knew this was special. Right away I tested it out, only to find that it can in fact connect to everything, even on an emotional level. For nights on end, I connected it from my brain to all of my household appliances, speaking with them one-to-one, learning about their lives, loves and dreams.

    However, the true value of this product came when I explored a notion I had - If this can allow me to commune with all objects and beings, what if I connected it...To itself?

    At once, my house shook and faded from view as I ascended into some kind of rift in space and time and reality itself. I was healed, clean shaven and dressed in the finest ethereal silk garments. All that I once was had been reformed in the crucible of the gods themselves.

    I saw and experienced everything that ever was, and ever will be. With high definition audio.

    What mysteries were unveiled to me, I hear you ask? What universal truths about the meaning of life, the existence of gods, aliens and the multiverse did I learn?

    Well, my friends - Buy the cable and find out.
  • bill h. - PPIP- Pity the poor innocent public.Like the book, Game Change 2008, they have looked and reported on all the characters involved in our Presidential campaign of 2012 and show the chicanery and the low level that we have sunk to politically. Anything to win, and the low level of vocabulary of our leaders, i.e., the filth in their everyday language is appalling. There are no winners, and we citizens are the losers. Anything goes to get elected, and the truth be hanged.
    This book was a confirming read after finishing 'This Town' by Leibovich.