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  • Wonder Woman - Better than my golden lassoWonder Woman here with my review of these Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cables.

    Things have been a little tight over here at the Hall of Justice, so back in February we had to sell off my golden lasso to cover the heating oil bill. Fortunately we had a little extra moo-lah this month due to Batman's downsizing and getting a hybrid (the batmobile was getting like 8 mpg). With the savings I was able replace the golden lasso with a pair of these cables. Not only do they force people to tell the truth just like my old lasso, but with these cables they tell the truth in perfect pitch - MUCH BETTER.
  • T. Sibley "Tsibs7" - Best Tablet Currently AvailableOk, so I've been in the tablet market for the last 3 months and I finally was able to get my hands on this product. Trust me when I say it wasn't easy but it was worth the trouble. This tablet is by far the most advanced and fastest tablet on the market (IOS or Android). That doesn't mean it's perfect because no tech product is. Those out there looking for a device that never has bugs or issues might as well stop now because you'll never find something to your liking. What I can say is that ASUS did a fine job with putting this together. I won't touch on every aspect of the Transformer Prime but here are some highlights:

    Screen- This screen is bright and beautiful. You can set the Super IPS display if you're outdoors but otherwise, the regular brightness is perfectly fine. The resolution is the same as most 10.1 inch tablets and is crisp and clear.

    Speed- This tablet has a Tegra 3 quad-core processor and it is blazing. You can multi-task to your hearts delight and it won't skip a beat. It opens applications faster than any phone or tablet I can think of. The encouraging news is that they are still really developing apps for the Tegra 3 so when that becomes more relevant this thing will be even better. Scrolling and touch sensitivity is "buttery" smooth with no lag whatsoever.

    Build- This is a very aesthetically pleasing device. What I mean is that it is an eye-catcher. Brushed aluminum backing and super thin, it looks fantastic. It's light and the weight balance is perfect when holding with one hand or two. Gorilla glass screen means that you won't have to worry about scratches. Those out there that complain about fingerprints need to realize that this is the case for 99% of tablets out there. (HINT: use the microfiber cloth that comes with it)

    Storage and Connectivity- One of the biggest selling points was the storage space. 32gb of onboard memory PLUS it has a micro-sd card slot for expansion. This thing can become an entertainment powerhouse. It has a micro-hdmi out so you can connect to TVs or projectors. This means you can watch Netflix and other movies on a bigger screen if you'd prefer. You won't have to buy a proprietary cables just to connect. Of course, the big sell is the laptop dock accessory. I personally don't need it but its a great option if you want a netbook like experience. Oh yeah, you can also use PS3 or USB gaming controllers with this to play games!

    Battery Life- So I haven't done an "official" battery test but in my usage so far I easily get a couple days out of this tablet. It obviously depends on what the settings are (i.e. screen brightness, power mode) but trust me when I say that if you go on a long trip with this thing you'll be good to go with juice to spare.

    Ice Cream Sandwich- This may not matter in a month or two but it is currently one of a select few devices that has the latest operating system of Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich. I won't get into all the details of what ICS is but I can say that it is user friendly and has loads of potential.

    Side notes:
    Ok, so a lot of people may have heard about certain users having issues with WIFI and/or GPS. On my end, I haven't had a single issue with WIFI. The signal is always strong even at a good distance away from the router. I think this just may be an isolated issue with some of the devices. I don't think this is indicative of all the tablets. I haven't used the GPS much but I can guess that the all-aluminum backing has something to do with the issues its having catching signals from satellites. Honestly though, it's ridiculous to use this as a standalone GPS device.

    As a heads-up, this tablet is currently (as of 2/21) extremely hard to come by. It is sold out at most, if not all retailers. I'm sure ASUS will eventually be able to keep up with demand but be warned that you may not be able to get one for a while. This obviously is a result of the shortsightedness of ASUS and should bear no negative reflection on the tablet itself.

    The Verdict:
    So is this worth $499.99 of your hard earned money? If you're looking for the best tablet available then the answer is a definitive YES. It's certainly worth more for your money than ANY tablet at and around its price.
  • Jennifer Sandoval - Decided to try the diet - Loved the recipes!I saw this by chance while scanning for another book. After reading the review and watching the clip on Dr. Oz, I decided to give it a try. I was tired of my weight not budging, my mood being horrible, I felt tired all the time and my hair had already thinned....I assumed it was all hormone related. So I read it as quickly as I could, began the diet that next Monday, and had my husband join me. It was well written and it made sense that this is how we should be eating all the time....with of course some indulgence every once in a while (after completing the first 28 days). We were strict the whole way through and I noticed a positive change in my mood around week 2. I absolutely loved the recipes!! The chili is our favorite along with the Stir Fried Chicken. Some of the recipes were missing a few details, so it was a good thing I know how to cook. I lost about 13 pounds, my husband 15...and I do notice a change in my metabolism now. I want to continue eating this way - and know I can with the meals and snacks being this good! Finding this book was a huge relief!
  • J. Reeve - The Tuscan WindIt was the last day of summer, and the Tuscan wind played with their hair. They leaned against the railing of the balcony, looking up at the stars. "In Italiano, we call it the Via Lattea," he said, savoring the last syllables of the Italian word like they were slices of creamy tiramisu.
    --"That's beautiful," she said, looking into his eyes with white thirst.
    --"Si." His arm grazed gently against hers. "If only...if only we had a gallon, one hundred..."
    --"...and twenty-eight fluid ounces?" she said, producing a gallon of Tuscan whole milk from the folds of her evening dress.
    --"How did you know?"
    --"Oh Amato," she said, "I've known all along."