
Meilleure Pharmacie Sans Prescription - Cordarone est utilisé pour corriger de troubles du rythme cardiaque, le traitement de certains mortelle de rythmes cardiaques anormaux. Ingrédient actif:

Country: Europe, DE, Germany

  • R. Lang - 1000+ Hours of Use, Still Running Strong.We purchased this about 6 months ago for our newborn son. We lacked the space for a large swing, this was smaller and also had the "cool factor" - which as a new dad I can't say didn't significantly impact my decision to purchase.

    About 6 months, close to every day, and at LEAST 6 hours a day of use. 1000 hours is a very conservative estimate actually. For the first few months our son would not sleep without being rocked, so the probable number of hours on this machine is over 2000 - but that isn't beyond absolute certainty so 1000+ it is.

    Overall, this is the BEST product we have purchased for our son. He really enjoys it, still. Going from a soothing bed for a fussy newborn to an enjoyable activity for am older infant is something quite valuable. And with the ability to gradually transition this to a fully upright sitting position there are still many months of future use.

    There is a slight increase in the noise of the machine, but it is slight. I have faith that this will continue working well for our second child as well.

    The "mobile" is pretty much crap, with little ability to describe it otherwise. The mobile doesn't stay steadily in one position, but gradually slides around to the back. Also, it is incredibly simple, and doesn't hold our sons attention at all. I would honestly have preferred the back of this machine to be a smooth clampable bar so that we could add our own mobile instead.
  • Ck - Awesome productA life saver, in my country the doctor does it for us and it hurts like hell... This product does its job... I recommend it... So good..