
Medics Travel: Doctors & Nurses planning work & electives inhospitals / medical schools / NGOs flights overseas - Medics Travel - electives / work with hospitals, medical schools, NGOs & charities for doctors, nurses & students- Elective, electives, medical, nursing, doctors, nurses. It lists recruitment agencies, locum agencies, NGOs, non-governmental organisations, charities, hospitals, registries, medical councils and up dates for the medics guide to work and electives around the world.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 95113 San Jose, California

  • SAH133 "SAH" - What a kook - not!When I first heard about this plan I thought here's another well meaning kook. In order to prove Lyn wrong I started the diet and have had to eat my words along with avocados, olive oil, and 1700+ calorie days. It defies all logic - my chronic sweet tooth has disappeared, I am eating loads and losing weight. On week one I lost 5 lbs, week two I lost 4.6 lbs. I am on track for around 4lbs this week also. I finally feel in control of my eating and have started to believe that it is possible for me to get to my goal weight. Thank you Lyn, I am sorry for calling you names.
  • B. Mcpherson - DO NOT expect FAST hair removal - but does work!I purchased the pink No NO 8800 model as I have been looking for a miracle hair removal system for my face for years. I've had it lasered twice, still having problems. Doctors said it was hormones and nothing I could really do about it but laser - that's way expensive and isn't really working for me, so in comes the No No! I was thrilled to see it and couldn't wait to order one. If it worked as it said, it would be the answer to my prayers. After ordering I read reviews and worried about making a mistake - I didn't. Here are the keys to this item:
    1. Charge over night - don't cheat on this one!
    2. It takes TIME and PATIENCE! You will not see smooth skin the first few times you use the NO NO. I started on my forearms before using on my face to make sure I knew what I was doing. It took about 6 - 30 minutes sessions (total for both arms) to really get a "no hair" apparearance. But it did work!
    3. For me, buffing with the crystalized buffer is a "no no". I have used one before and it breaks me out - so what I have found successful is to do a treatment and then wash with a mild soap, then moisturize. You can find what works for you.
    4. I'm not sure about the lotion - I don't really care for the fragrance and found that my Baby Philosophy lotion works very well.
    5. Have done two sessions on my face and am happy with the results so far. It took some practice to get around the chin and I did notice a slight "zap" and puff of smoke when it hit a thicker hair - positives in my opinion!
    6. Clean the blade wire often - use the brush or blow it out with your breath.

    I have not experienced any pain, burns, rashes, or problems with the wires. I have used the product for almost 2 weeks - about 6 sessions on arms, 2 on legs and face, blade still working fine.

    IF the product continues to work well and IF I see that my hair is not growing back after continued use for a couple of months I will be the most vocal proponent of this device on the planet!

    Not a 5 star rating because it is not a quick hair removal process and wish they'd include at least one replacement blade for the money!
    Prepare for burnt hair smell - I do it outside or make sure my husband isn't home, then shower and lotion. So far I'm satisfied with the purchase.
    WOW - it's been 4 weeks, my arms appear hair free, my legs, well, I shaved 4 days ago after using my NONO for 2 weeks on them, they feel smooth - maybe a little peach fuzz, but nothing like it use to! I think after I complete 6 weeks, they will be smooth and fabulous. And customer service was awesome today! My NONO's little o'ring that runs the roller had come off (probably user error)and customer service said they would send a new one out right away and have the old one picked up at no cost to me! This thing is fantastic - won't be without it!!