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  • A student of science - Matthew is a genius!As someone who has followed Matthew avidly since 2010 I knew I had to read this book as soon as it hit the shelves. I've never been a natural with guys and was always too shy (and therefore thought to be aloof!) to be open to meeting a man. Following Matthew's advice hasn't been easy, I've had to be pro-active in trying to find the fulfilling relationship I deserve in my life. I particularly like how he encourages women to be empowered within themselves and comes up with strategies to help those shy, self-conscious women (of which I used to be one of them!) to gain confidence in both themselves and their love lives. This book is great in telling you how it is without it being overwhelming, and left me feeling uplifted and positive about finding the man of my dreams... and these days I actually truly think it IS possible!
  • Gerald - ABSOLUTELY FACINATINGThis is a facinating subject and this book covers it well. Google searches can bring up a lot of supporting information. Personally I was in a wheelchair from arthritis and could barely walk. I don't believe in snake oil treatments but I tried this and in a couple of weeks I was walking again. I've sent copies of the book to friends or loaned my copy to those that live locally. Even sent a copy to a doctor in the Philippines.
  • Adam "AdamKB" - Irreplaceable Reference for Buyers/sellers/appraisalsThis catalog is the go to reference for pawn/gunsmith/private traders. It has great illustrations and information to help identify grades, dates and proofs which can make a huge difference in the value of a piece. If you buy sell and appraise firearms this cat. is absolutely necessary. I have used this series of catalogs for over ten years dozens of times each week.