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  • Andre Lawrence - In Invaluable Resource to Learn Computer-Aided Design. UP AND RUNNING WITH AUTOCAD 2012: A Critical Review.This could easily be titled, "Up And Running With CorelCad 2012" or "Up And Running With Draftsight 2012" because it goes through the basics of CAD programs.

    UP AND RUNNING WITH AUTOCAD 2012 is a massive 700+ page book that is part reference guide, part classroom-in-a-book introduces tools and then exercises as to how the tools work. The exercises, according to author Elliot Grindis, is to prepare the student who'll spend "95% of their time using 5% of the tools."

    The book is broken down into three sections:

    Level 1: (Ch. 1-10) An Overview of the tools necessary for the student to have a working knowledge of AutoCAD.

    Level 2: (Ch. 11-20) Meant for intermediate/ advanced users who might be full-time architects, engineers or an artist who must "do-it-all." This section also has additional exercises that enable students to execute complex drawings.

    Ch. 3: (Ch. 21-30) Although building on the fundamentals and advanced works that is all about incorporating the Z-axis or the 3rd dimension.

    *** ***
    In almost 2 years, since the middle of 2010, AutoDesk has been expanding the scope of their engineering/ architectural software base. From reintroducing AutoCAD for the Mac to updating their 2D-only version of AutoCAD--the LTE--to their free online build-it-yourself 3D home and interior design suite, "HomeStyler," AutoCAD's footprint is very wide which makes having a working knowledge of the software indispensable.

    Coincidentally, we're using the open-source software Draftsight to draw up a house plan for a client and we find UP AND RUNNING incredibly useful.

    So, since most CAD interface are almost all identical by platforms, a book such as this which explains the ins and outs of operating on a standard CAD interface would make owning a book like this essential, especially if you're using several competitor softwares including AutoCAD.

    UP AND RUNNING IN AUTOCAD 2012, you guessed it... 5 stars.
  • Elizabeth Ford - AMAZINGI'm 30 years old and tried MANY medications to get rid of my acne, with no luck until I tried the exposed treatment. I now have clear skin, which I didn't think possible. It's cool because you don't have to get the whole kit, you can choose individual products. I would definitely recommend this product.