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- Laurel B. Puchalski "Child Care Director" - waiting to read the sequel!I enjoy historical fiction, and this story was especially interesting to me as it had many references to the Bible and took place in ancient Persia about 500 years BC - a period I know little of except through biblical references. Loved the connections between the characters, the love story unfurling throughout the book, and the fact that Sarah, the main character, shows such personal growth throughout the story. Looking forward to reading more from Ms. Ashfar!
- Chrystie Street - From aggressive Crohn's to complete remissionI am going to make this review short and sweet. I first heard about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) while researching Crohn's on my iPhone, hours after being diagnosed with the disease. I was sick and fuzzy-minded, wearing a hospital gown and outfitted with a PICC line straight to my heart. Numerous drugs were flowing into my body to combat the injury and raging infections caused by aggressive Crohn's. A few weeks later, I was reading Breaking the Vicious Cycle, purchasing a yogurt maker and starting the diet.
4 months after going 100% SCD, my blood test results came back completely normal - actually, stellar. 6 months after starting the diet, there was no sign of inflammation in my body. 8 months after starting the diet, I had a job and more energy and mental clarity than I had felt in years. My doctors couldn't explain my improvement, since I had refused to take the aggressive biologic medications that were recommended.
Keep in mind, before I started SCD I was hospitalized with such severe injuries from my body attacking itself (including a humongous hole in my small intestine) that I could have died. So, 8 months may seem like a long time, but considering how much healing my body needed to do, 8 months is not that long!
I'm not keeping my promise to make this short, so I will conclude by saying:
1) SCD is a life saver. Start by reading this book.
2) Once you learn the diet, you will find that everyone in your household will want to eat your SCD food rather than the "other stuff". SCD food is good. There are plenty of beautiful SCD recipe blogs out there. Google them!
3) The diet is NOT easy, especially if you are sick, exhausted, in pain and fuzzy-minded when you are starting. Join the "BTVC-SCD" yahoo group for support and guidance. The gals and guys on that message board will answer your questions, help you tailor the diet to your own needs, help you learn from their own experiences, and give you much-needed support when you go through reactions or setbacks. They all contribute to the message board out of the kindness of their own hearts. They want to help others experience the same improvement in symptoms that they have achieved.
4) The diet is 2 steps forward, 1 step back. It's tough, but worth it. Follow it 100%, listen to your body and don't give up.
5) The diet works together with conventional medicine. Not being able to go off medication does not mean that the diet isn't working. Some people need medication in combination with the diet. Some are able to go off their medication within a few years of starting the diet. Either way is OK. Medication won't prevent the diet from working! - Gary B Hulsey - Heartwarming and EncouragingA wonderful, heartwarming, inspirational work! Sarah is hated by the left and the mainstream media because her openly-stated Christian faith, morality and ethics, boldness, unwavering support of our military, and unswerving patriotism is completely at odds with their relativism and secularism and their bogus belief that statism can bring utopia. Here, she meshes a discussion of the war on Christianity, with personal and family anecdotes to produce a supremely delightful and, ultimately, encouraging book. Sarah Palin is one of the few remaining, public figure, Christian patriots.