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Country: Oceania, NZ, New Zealand

  • G. Charles Steiner - Just Use ItThe handle of the Swiffer is easy to put together, one-two-three. The starter kit comes with one wet cloth and two dry cloths. The wet cloth was difficult to open so I used a pair of scissors. The dry cloths grab up a lot of nasty dust and crud.

    It's best to use the Swiffer wet and/or dry cloths fairly regularly since neither does a great job cleaning up really dirty floors.

    This is my second kit now. While the handle for the Swiffer is sturdy, it is meant only for sweeping. I tried to use the Swiffer for banging against a heating vent to let my neighbors downstairs know they were making a racket, and the handle broke. I had been using it for years and had decided to use it for something it hadn't been invented to be used for.

    Great kit and great product. I highly recommend it.
  • Glory - Take action!It's awesome! Very reliable and clear great quality HD. Very useful tablet I'm so grateful. MAKES an affordable Christmas gift.
  • Chelle - haribio sugarless fummy bearsI really like these gummy bears and haven't eaten enough in one sitting to get sick from them like many describe. I do eat a decent size handful when I do. It you are looking for a good tasting sugarless option and like gummy bears this is a good way to go. I have purchased these on many occasions and am always pleased.