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  • William T. St.Blanc - Officially the best Disney GuidesThese guys have Disney down to a smooth science. I get the book, apply to the nominal priced website "" and get updates each year, that keeps your old book current. This is my first DisneyLAND book because this will be my first trip out there and all other trips were to Orlando.
  • Char - Totally makes sense!Finally!!!! Someone of the worst feelings you can have is when your doctor doesn't believe how healthy you eat, because of your weight. Thank you for The Plan....looking forward to saying goodbye to all trigger foods...and hello to food that has been off of my dinner table tor years!
  • Karis - Amazing!!!"Heart pounding meets heart warming." Kiss definitely lives up to that tagline. Written by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy, Kiss is now one of my favourite books. :) It's such an incredible book with great characters and questions that will leave you wondering. I finished reading it around 1am then stayed up even longer just mulling the story over in my mind.

    Kiss begins with a girl named Shauna, who wants to forget the pain in her life. To forget past hurts and fears. She doesn't want to live with the pain from her memories, and she doesn't want to listen to her counselors advice, "In the end, you can only determine whether to saturate your memories with pain or with perspective. Forgetting is not an option. ... Pain or perspective, Shauna. That's all that's within your control." The next day Shauna finds herself in a car accident and is in a coma for a couple days. When she wakes up, she finds she can't remember anything that happened in the past 6 months, or the accident itself. All she knows is what people have told her. Though are they telling her the truth? She can't even remember her boyfriend, Wayne. Now Shauna wishes she could remember. But there are others who hope she never does. Shauna must figure out what it is that these people desperately don't want her to find out. But is she willing to risk her life? Or as the book says, "Is dying for the truth really better than living with a lie?" Shauna must decide. Between living the life she is told is hers, or discovering her past herself.

    Definitely a 5 star! Everyone should read it!
  • Little Shop Of O's - A Total RUSH!The title and the cover was what attracted me a first. Once I started reading it I was totally captivated and had a hard time putting it down, so I could get some sleep. Great writing by Maya Banks... ending up reading all three books - Burn, Rush and Fever are all excellent! Look forward to diving into more of her work.
  • Mercedes-Benz Taylor "May He Lead Your Steps ... - Saying Hello to LoveI was so excited to receive this book in the mail. I remember when I had first heard of this book years ago and at the time I thought, "this book is about not dating." I had no ill feelings about the book I just kind of thought this would be some suggestion of a miracle cure for dating and boy was I pleasantly surprised.

    Joshua Harris wrote this book honestly from the stand point of a man who realized that real love is worth waiting for. And I thought I knew that. I'm the only one out of my girl friends that is not in a relationship and even though I am not dating this book still hit home for me. Harris goes beyond the whole 'save sex until marriage' or 'no kissing until the alter' rules. He challenges the modern view of love and simply asks that if we really love God the way that we claim to why not let Him be in control of every part of our lives including our love-lives.

    I recommend this book to all single believers. Its a book that needs to be in everyone's arsenal. If you haven't read it I suggest you grab a copy - you won't regret it. This book may redefine the way that you love and the way you view God's love for us.