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  • BinderWoman - Manly protection from sharp-tongued womenDespite what you may find with some other binders, the durable cover here is sure to protect you as you attempt to control all the youngish, sharp-tongued women in your life that you consider high-risk and the Bain of your existence. While other binders may advertise that they are gapless, this is one is guaranteed to keep all gaps (income, gender, communication and otherwise) fully contained and invisible from scrutiny. Plus, it's available in all the conservative tones to blend harmoniously and tactfully with your suits. The size is ideal for carry-on to picturesque offshore tax havens, pockets are ample for religious texts, dinner party talking points, carried interest and appreciation, and directories of "friendly" out-of-town media outlets (as well as pink slips). Helps manage your reorganization projects by providing the necessary amount of tabs to organize looted companies now in debt. Complimentary form letter encouraging your employees to cast their votes in order to save their jobs can be requested at no extra charge, as well as recommendations for executive grooming products. This binder truly makes a statement - "I am entitled to this great binder and I will do what I can to prevent other entitlements for the greater good of humanity. They can get their binders the old-fashioned way, by inheritance after I've repealed the estate tax."
  • Gray The Cat - Everything's growing with my Aerogrow!Well, I'd always wanted to try one of these and when had a sale, I talked my husband into it.

    So far, I have to say all is well and the product looks nice and is performing just as advertised. Every herb plant (from the Gourmet Herb seed pod kit that came with it) came up and before the full time allotted ran out. Most were nicely ahead of schedule. I am just about to the end of the first two week germination period, so we'll see if the "add nutrient" lights come on properly.

    The unit has been through several short power failures and nothing has disrupted the scheduling of the lights going on and off at the proper times. The light is bright, yes... but not so bright as a sunny window. My unit is in a finished basement room where I can keep it shut away from my plant-destroying young cats. Were it not for the cats, it *would* be on my kitchen counter! However, before you buy one, you should be sure you have a good place to keep it and won't be bothered by the light. It is on 17 hours a day during the herb cycle. Me, I like light.

    We did have one scare, when my husband smelled a burning smell coming from the unit one night. The smell was completely gone by morning when he told me about it and I checked the unit but I called Customer Service anyway. I was pleasantly surprised not to have to wait on hold. They said that sometimes there is a coating on the plastic that burns off within the first 3-4 days. OK... this happened perhaps just past that point, at about 4-5 days, so I assume it was just what they said. No further instances of strange smells since. Still, it was quite worrisome at the time, so I could wish the company might mention this possible occurrence in the manual so one might be prepared! They did give me a quick way to check and be sure it wasn't my pump burnt out... and it clearly wasn't. So I felt safe continuing to run the unit and appreciated the quick help. The pump has so far been VERY quiet, almost silent, actually.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how my herbs grow. If they do well, I think I'll start looking for a place to put a secondary and possibly a third unit. Perhaps using one of those accessory wall stands. The one drawback of course is that you get hooked into needing to buy their seed or master gardener kits, their nutrient tablets and their grow bulbs (which are supposed to be replaced at six month intervals). So this is probably NOT the most cost effective way to grow. OTOH... I can look forward to basil that is not half-destroyed by earwigs! And FRESH herbs when all is frozen and brown outside. It's surely an EASY way to garden!

    Update: April 2010

    Still using my Aerogarden Classic! That first herb garden was wildly successful! In fact, I've bought more and currently have NINE assorted Aerogardens! On the cat issue, I've found that the cats don't go after my herbs, just lettuce. So I *do* have an Aerogarden growing herbs in the kitchen now. Any gardens the cats might bother or where I might be growing a plant that is toxic for cats stays in my basement room. I'm harvesting abundant basil, dill, thyme and cilantro at the moment.

    I mostly do my own seeds now, using Park Seed bio-sponges, General Hydroponics Flora series liquid nutrients and making my own labels. I save and reuse all the plastic pod baskets I have received with various seed kits. It's more economic than buying extra Aerogarden supplies. At any rate, this first Classic garden is continuing to function beautifully, no pump failures or any issues, though I do keep a spare pump on hand. I replace the bulbs once a year. I have a mixed romaine/endive/arugula/chervil garden that has recently sprouted and growing right now. I've also used this original garden with the Aerogarden Seed Starter Tray and that works very well too. I'm a happy Aerogardener!

    My favorite Aerogardens are the tall gardens AeroGarden 900380-1200 VeggiePro for Full-Sized Vegetables, but I'm also fond of the little 3-pod gardens, which are super for flowers. I've grown tomatoes, green beans, chard, lettuce, greens, baby bok choy, petunias and various herbs in my gardens so far. I'm trying baby bell peppers right now, though those have just sprouted. For those needing help or ideas for their gardens, I highly recommend the Aerogarden Growers Community Forum.

    Update: May 2010

    On harvests... don't expect a single Aerogarden to provide for a large family. However, if I harvest heavily, I can usually get about 100g of lettuce (enough to fill two large pasta bowls or make 3-4 smaller side salads) about every 5 days or so. I get even larger amounts of chard weekly and it is fresh and tender and mild enough to eat raw. Herb gardens do provide fairly abundant harvests, it's difficult sometimes for hubby and I to keep up with the garden! However, the fact that it produces so well does encourage me to use a lot of fresh herbs! Overall, I definitely feel my Aerogardens contribute to healthier eating! And I use the extra spillover light to help start other plants for outdoors. And grow cat grass.
  • bookie - Not perfect, but still a great product!I've been using the Exposed basic kit for the past month. I used to have horrible acne, but Exposed helps like nothing I've ever tried. Now I'm not saying my skin is totally flawless now, but I have seen a marked improvement; old scars are fading, and I get very few zits, rather than the many I used to. The price tag seems a little high, but when I think about it, it's about what I was spending before anyway, with much less satisfying results. Overall, I would reccomend this to anyone. Even if you end up not liking it, Exposed offers a 100% refund on the first kit if you return it within, get this, a YEAR. Happy Shopping!
  • lalady - Love it so far.I received this as a Christmas gift. Baby isn't born yet so I haven't had the opportunity to use it and this is my first stroller to own, so I have nothing to compare it to, however it is fairly light weight, easy to handle and looks durable enough. I cant wait to get to use it and quite excited about this gift!
  • Doc Stew - Really great option for a TV in a small roomAt the time of this writing, this product has not been released. Therefore, I do not know the exact specs of the speakers, nor do I even know the MSRP. What I can tell you is how good this little unit sounds!

    This is a single unit that measures 21" X 12" X 3". It is intended to have a TV 42" or smaller sit directly on top of it. The inputs it has on the back of the unit are optical, coax, and analog (red/white connectors). There are NO HDMI connections available.

    This unit is NOT intended to be a receiver, like some other sound bars. You cannot plug all of your devices (TV, DVR, blu-ray player, etc) into this device, as this is not made for that. It is made to run the audio OUT from your TV to the audio IN on the Bose. That is it.

    I tried plugging my DVR optical out into the optical in on the Bose, and it did NOT work. I thought I had a defective unit. I have my TV mounted high on the wall with wires hidden in the wall, so I had to buy a long optical cable and run it through the wall. I connected it to my TVs optical audio out to the Bose's optical audio in, and it worked. I shut the speakers off on my TV, and let the Bose take over the sound.

    The sound is FAR superior to any TV's built in speakers. It simply doesn't even compare. The bass is fantastic - not too strong, but just enough to grab your attention. The highs are crisp and dialogue sounds fantastic. I feel like I hear a LOT more details than just listening through my TVs speakers. It gets moderately loud, but at full volume, it's only enough to fill a small to medium sized room. I have this hooked up to the TV in our bedroom, which is 20' x 25', and it suits it well.

    Personally, I would not use this for a large family room, as it's simply not powerful enough. But I'm an audio enthusiast, and I have a full 5.1 setup for our family room. Some people just want the simplicity of something small that sounds better than their TV speakers. If you're one of those people, you should really consider this unit. But again, it's made to support TVs 42" or smaller, so keep that in mind. If you have a 60" TV that is not wall mounted, you may want to consider other options.

    The unit comes with a 6' very thin, cheap optical cable, a coax cable, and red/white audio cables. It comes with a small, VERY basic remote. The remote has: power, volume up, volume down, and mute. That is it.

    I use a Logitech Harmony remote in our bedroom, and had no problem setting this up. Even though the Bose isn't even listed in the Harmony database (again, at the time of this writing, the Bose hasn't even been listed on the Bose website), I still made it work. Just go to add a device, amplifier ---> amplifier, and type in Bose and the name. It won't recognize the name, and that's OK. Take your little Bose remote and point it at your Harmony remote, and have the Harmony "learn" the IR commands from the Bose. I just programmed the Harmony to recognize the 4 buttons on the Bose remote, and voila - no need to use the Bose remote! Easy as pie.

    All in all, this is a very good sounding unit, and far exceeds any TVs built in speakers. The improvement in dialogue alone is worth the price of admission.

    ADDENDUM 9/4/12: like someone else mentioned on here, my unit had an issue that it would not power on. I had to remove the AC adapter from the back and plug it back in, then it worked again. I will keep updating this as time goes on. But I'm still VERY happy with this unit!