Druginfo.adf.org.au Review:
DrugInfo - Facts about Alcohol & Drug Prevention - DrugInfo - DrugInfo is a program of the Australian Drug Foundation. We provide easy access to information about alcohol and other drugs (ice, cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana), and the prevention of related harms.
Country: North America, US, United States
City: 78218 San Antonio, Texas
- Amy K. Barrett - great bargainI have friends who installed deluxe trampolines for ten times the cost as this one and there is not an appreciable difference -- the only significant one being that you have to put this one together yourself. The directions are straightforward but the whole process does take a couple of hours. The trampoline feels very sturdy and safe -- and the kids love it.
- Sherry E. Wells - KINDLE IS THE BEST THING TO OWN IF YOU READ ALOT!I am an avid reader who reads two to three books a week. The Kindle is absolutely the best gadget I have ever purchased. i bought mine right when they came out in 2007 and have had no prblems whatsoever with it. It is still using the original battery although i have purchased a new one as a backup. The only problem i have is keeping a decent looking cover on it. i am on my third. i carry it every where and have probably sold at least 100 of them due to inquiries about it. I have had doctors and nurses even look at it. If you know someone who reads please buy them one, they will love you for it.