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  • Carolyn Cooper - Very Fast, easy way to get extra storageI have several of both the 2 TB and the 3 TB drives. This unit really is plug and play - just plug it in, and you instantly have and extra storage cabinet for your digital files.

    I have converted all of our old home movies from VHS/8mm tapes to digital. I Put all of the movies on an external hard drive, so they are all in one location. Then bought an external hard drive for each of my siblings, and gave them each a full collection of all of our old family movies and photos. With USB 3.0, transferring is very fast - even when going from one external drive to another external drive.

    I also have a couple of Western Digital drives, so I was able to do my own side-by-side comparisons, and the Seagate is more than twice as fast, fires up faster, and seems to perform better when connected to the TV via an O!Play media player.

    Also great for backups - you don't really need the fancy back up software, just copy your files to this additional drive.
  • Lauren Larson - Better than mostLong before anyone was walking around with an organizer, I was ridiculed for doing so. I've got the last laugh now, because most people have them -- either paper or electronic on their PDAs. I never found a calendar to be enough to organize tasks, etc., so the first one I got so many ages ago was one that I created for myself.

    I've used them all - from DayTimer to Covey to generic products at the drug store, the esoteric Planner Pads, which was one of my faves - and the electronic types. I got one of the first software systems for organizers decades ago and found it very useful -- but never really got into ensuring that everything I wrote down in it throughout the day got into the computer version.

    In fact, using different organizers was a mini-hobby ... if a new one came out, I just had to try it. There came a time that my place was over-run with various organizer binders to an embarrassing level. But as a writer, this was easy to justify for me.

    The reasons I like this one are many. This one is simple but better than the average organizer you find in the office store. The layout is superior: you get a long list on the left for Tasks (phone calls, e-mail, etc) - and because it is one long list you can cut it up as you like or use it more as a priority list. Each day has its own column with a timeline that is great for appts and deadlines. The bottom of the page has more space for projects, deadlines, goals/projects, results and next action step which is great for brainstorming and actual due projects.

    I don't usually take it with me for fear of losing it - but if I wanted to, this is just the right size. I use a small desk so I don't want something that takes up too much room. I find it is best for me to use a combo of systems -- a hard calendar I can glance down at and add info anytime to and more in-depth projects on the computer. I also use a tickler system with an accordian file numbered 1-31 days and a twelve month one. In that I put documents that have deadlines and other stuff that would not fit into the calendar well. Just mentioning that in case it is helpful for someone else. Between the two - I stay very organized.

    The only thing I would complain about was that the new one I got for 2013 arrived with the month of November missing. I wrote to the company and received no response. I'll add those pages myself, but it was annoying. Also - the pen holder on the side broke right away. Also, I like side tabs which they don't come with, but that was easily fixed.

    All in all, I would choose this one over most any of the others I had. The Daytimers and Coveys are great for in-depth planning, but this works better as a day-to-day activity log that has just what you need to attend to task completion -- as well as plan ahead.