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Country: Europe, NL, Netherlands

City: Amsterdam, North Holland

  • Rickbob "Richard J" - Needed Help and Got it!It all started when I bought this chin strap for my father as a gift, (who is 65yrs) due to my mother always complaining about his snoring all the time. At first I really didn't think he would wear it. The first time he tried it he told me his throat was not sore in the morning and that he didn't know he was even wearing it. He said that he seems more rested also. It's been 4 months now and he doesn't mind wearing it every night because of the benefits he's noticing himself but my mother is extremely happy. We talk about this head strap just about every time I have been over to visit. I just bought another one for myself. Mine does fit comfortable and the first thing I noticed after wearing it to bed after having a few glasses of wine (my snoring is always loud after drinking) was that my throat was not sore either. I would certainly recommend this strap!
  • Abdul - Excellent bookIt is an essential book for medical students, residents and practicing physician.
    short and uptodate
    I have been using it since last several years.
  • Douglas P. Quesnel "Me" - Blows away IPAD 3I looked at getting the I pad 3 that is what my son has. But I like ICS app.
    So I went with this. And glad I did. Yes the Ipad 3 has a great picture, and is a little faster. But that is it!!! when you look at what you can do with this, It makes the IPad 3 look like a kids toy,I use this for work and games, My son is sad now that he got the I pad 3. He sees how much better the transformer is , he is trying to sell it so he can get the transformer, Got to love that.