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- Grant Fritchey - Nice Smooth UpgradeThis is my second full year using the Mcafee Internet Security software. I kept going with my subscription to Mcafee because it has worked well for me for over a year. The original install on three different machines went off without a hitch. The upgrades on all three machines came across just as easily. My existing settings for updates was adopted and it's still functional. I've had one machine actually catch viruses with the 2011 version. The software did it's job and that's really what you're looking for out of something like this. I monitor performance on my machines regularly (because of what I do for work) and I've never had an instance where the virus checker was a problem. I'm very happy with the software and I hope the 2013 version works as well as the last two versions have.
- skibumturner - Awesome tabletI just received my transformer prime and so far, I absolutely love it. I'm about 4 days in and haven't had any problems. I was originally hesitant due to the reviews on GPS and wifi issues that many others have brought up. So far, at home, at work, and at school, I haven't had a single connectivity problem. I'm assuming Asus addressed this issue. I haven't used the GPS yet nor do I anticipate ever using it. Driving with a 10" tablet in front of you doesn't seem like the best idea to me. Anyways, the update to ICS was seamless and I haven't had any crashes yet. The screen is beautiful and the processor is faster than any other touch device I've used to date. The screen is a bit of a fingerprint magnet, but that's a non issue for me. 5 stars. I love it.
- Andrew D. Hjermstad - I need an autographed copy!!!Look, this book is amazing. But where do I find RAND? Google won't tell me anything! This work is a masterpiece, when it wins a Pulitzer or something I suppose I can ambush him and get a signature, but that will be after he's gone all mainstream; it won't mean anything.
So I need this guy's address. Or at least his e-mail. I'm sure he's busy and all, but I could make him dinner or something; even visionary authors eat!
Seriously guys, I hate being the only one without an autographed copy. STOP HOLDING OUT ON ME!!!