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  • Pål Amundsen - A complete masterpiece......from start to finnish -and probably my favorite Pink Floyd-album. This is referred to as "the third Pink Floyd", and I agree. First it was under the spell of Syd Barret (The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn, also contributed on A Saucerful Of Secrets), then to the magic of Roger Waters (The Wall, The Final Cut and many, many more...) until the time had come for the circus of David Gilmour. No doubt, David Gilmour is the most talented musician of the four. In an interview in some newspaper once Roger Waters actually managed to call him the oposite; "David Gilmour never came up with one good idea!" was the exact words as I recall, and first then I realized there is something very arrogant and egosentric about Roger Waters -and of course it has become some part of his "image" as in the fate of "his" band, but come on; Waters undeniable played a big part in bringing Floyd to fame, but he was not alone -and some of his songs would never have sounded as beautiful as indeed they do if it hadn't been for the inspiring guitar-work and vocal of David Gilmour. I'm a big fan also of Waters' solo-work, but the man can't sing -and that's probably one reason for his change of composing, there are limitations to his genious -this being said; I am a big fan, and please -do not get me wrong now, it's just that I find all this negativity around the "new" Floyd (post Waters) highly unfair. The Division Bell is a masterpiece, and shows signs of creativity and engagement, a lyrically and poetic wonder, mixed with the beautiful and haunting compositions (Gilmour in the lead) and various sound- effects ("earth noises" -fantastic) -one of the most inspiring albums ever made by any band ever existed. There are no songs I skip on this album, not one! Therefor a five star-rating. It's a bit "unfit" to even try to compare it to "The Wall" nor "Dark Side Of The Moon" -but the weaknesses that I have always found with both these releases is some "skipability" among the highlights, or in other words -some Waters' composotions, however experimental, sound awful. "The Wall" is complete as a masterpiece as a story behind the music with the music and the lyrics telling it (and a painful and disturbing one as well, though I have no problem understanding its' theme and the depth of it, not at all), but parts of this double-album is seldom played (well, in my apartment that is) and I find it a bit overrated, not just because of the b-sides of the music, but it is not very personal (and, yes, I actually think so!) -in fact it's a bit tricky to explain, I admire Waters in some ways, but also find him as a self-sentered spoiled rock star in others (of course I don't know him personally, but it's just an impression over the years he has given...).

    Well, back to "The Division Bell" -a big improvement after "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason" (the first post-Waters), a good album absolutely -but far from being as complete and as "epic" as "The Division Bell" ("Learning To Fly" and "Sorrow" sounding so much better live on both "A Delicate Sound Of Thunder" and "Pulse"). People describing the post-Waters-album as uninspiring and weak is beyond me. "The Division Bell" is the best of them all, and I am sure the more opened minded fans agree with me on that. And Waters now being bitter, it was Syd Barret who started the legend -not him. At least I believe that many old fans had doomed this release long before it was even planned, such style and passion should not be ignored. But hey, it's you ears..!

    Seriously; One of the best albums ever made -Pink Floyd defienes music! Talented musicians and composers in an impressive "comeback" (it was then). And I hope you'll discover this too.
  • Angela - fabulousI really my kindle. I've never had a tablet or laptop or smartphone, so this is a special treat. I use it for e-mail, calendar, reading, kids learning games, Skype, Facebook, and online shopping. It is well made and I enjoy it.