

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 84606 Provo, Utah

  • MTV and the radio BURN IN HELL - 2nd best Floyd albumAll I can say is that this is, while not as good as DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, is still a very awesome album. I own this and all I can say is that every song here is amazing. Hell you should buy this just because 'Another Brick in the Wall, part 2' is on this, which is probably Pink Floyds most famous song. That loser Sunburnt Albino (aka Henry McPruter) will burn in hell for insulting Pink Floyd! Unless he's joking then he doesn't deserve to live, well maybe not that bad, but he is still a retard. Pink Floyd is the best band that uses a keyboard and thats still around. Other bands like Metallica and AC\DC have died in the past few years but Pink Floyd still has it!
  • Jim - Love it, use it daily.If you're considering purchasing Autodesk Sketchpad Pro 2011 for yourself, I highly recommend that you download and test drive the fully operating trial software from Autodesk's website (usable free for 15 days).

    I also recommend watching the10 minute video review of Sketchbook Pro 2010 (the previous version to the one under review) by John Muhlenkamp at ID Sketching dot com. (Search for idsketching sketchbook pro review.)

    I'm an illustrator and I've always done my professional work an old-fashioned way, with pen & ink and watercolor. But I love using Sketchbook Pro with my Wacom Bamboo pen tablet (model CTL-460). The tablet came with Corel Painter Essentials 4 software, which has a drawing & painting module as well as a "photo painting" module. It's okay, but I prefer Autodesk Sketchbook Pro because I find the interface smoother to work with. This preference is in large part as subjective as are my preferences for certain brands of watercolors, watercolor paper, inks, nibs, and brushes. As an artist I want to work with materials that facilitate a seamless flow between creative impulse and art object, and Sketchpad Pro allows that; I never feel that the software is an obstacle.

    I have also tried painting software called Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio. The interface between TwistedBrush and my Wacom tablet is not nearly as smooth as is the interface between the tablet and Sketchbook, in that I just don't have as much control over the pen when using TwistedBrush as I do when using Sketchbook. I find using Sketchbook as natural and comfortable as drawing on good quality paper in pen & ink with an ultra smooth nib. When I use pen & ink and watercolor, once I make a coloring decision I rarely change it, as in most cases changing it would require starting the entire piece over from scratch. With Sketchbook I can experiment with colors to get a sense of what might work best on paper.

    I like the symmetry tool in Sketchbook that Corel Painter Essentials 4 lacks, but I wish Sketchbook had the gradient fill feature that Corel Painter Essentials 4 has. The only other con I can think of for Sketchbook compared to CPE4 is that inserting text into a sketch in Sketchpad is not as intuitive a process as it is (for me, at least) in CPE4 (e.g., if I want to enter text into a cartoon balloon). The help for Sketchbook is online; clicking on help opens a web browser. This is not a problem for me given that I have a broadband connection.

    I love Sketchbook Pro and use it every day. Definitely test out the trial version if you're considering buying it for yourself.