
Actos Bladder Cancer Lawyers | Baum Hedlund - Data linking pioglitazone to bladder cancer was first observed in animal studies back in 1999.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 54016 Hudson, Wisconsin

  • lmjharper - Good stuffI used this last year before I got pregnant when I'm pretty sure I had candida. I was always tired and just felt no energy, it was disheartening. When my aunt told me about this stuff, I decided to try it out, I was willing to do whatever. After about a week or so I noticed a difference, I was more awake and less groggy feeling and could actually feel at my best!
  • Diane L. O'Leary - Great little bookI obtained the 2010 pocket drug guide and have used it continuously while at work. It was wonderful information, consise and always at hand in my scrub pocket. I have already preordered the 2014 book and am looking forward to using it. I recommend this to any nurse who wishes to be sure of her meds and doesn't have time to run to the "big" pdr and find out what she needs to know immediately.