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  • daniel f. - 2 Weeks and it's already working!I picked up this book on a whim about a year ago. I read through it kind of convinced but not driven enough to really 'go for it.'

    This summer, I drank a lot of beer, ate recklessly (gained a nice beer belly in the process), and was a general hedonist. My psoriasis got intense. I swore when September rolled around that I'd change my habits and follow this diet.

    So I did. And it hasn't even been 2 weeks, yet my psoriasis is already beginning to fade. I have to tell you-pizza is my favorite food and the book says it's basically the worst food you can have. Same goes with booze and cigarettes. There's a sacrifice, but I finally am beginning to feel like a real boy again! I can do without those things if my body doesn't itch. It's a great trade off.

    I thank my lucky stars I found this book. Hopefully the clearing continues and I didn't just jinx it!
  • G K - Great TabletGreat tablet I like it much better then the apple. Easy to use as well. This is a great gift for anyone that is looking for a tablet good for school work or everyday use.
  • K. Alphs - The Simple LifeThe simple life, oh how we all long for it, in Mitford you will find it. Jan Karon writes with a style similiar to James Herriot in his "All Creatures Great and Small" series. Jan also weaves her Christian faith throughtout the book in a way which is relevant to her reader. Put the kettle on, make some tea, sit down in a cozy chair and become acquainted with the people who live in Mitford.You'll be glad you did.